Thursday, March 21, 2013

26 hours and 3 quality points

Not many people know that in addition to my engineering degree I have a minor in English.  By understanding this you may come to realize why my writings are the way they are. 
English was never my strongest subject.  Mostly because my spelling is very creative, not that is wrong it just doesn’t conform to the way the rest of the world thinks it should be.  It started in jounior high school.  I was your basic straight “A” student that coasted thru school well ecept for this one course in English.  Acutally the spelling thing started back in gramer school.  I just hated to memorize anything so my best spelling test were in the 80’s.  (That is test score not years.)  By the time I got to junior high this English thing was a pure bore.  I hated it!  I would love to blame it on the teacher but it really isn’t his fault.  He was also way my math teacher and I just loved math, algebra, geometry, it just made perfect sense.  I just couldn’t figure out why this English stuff was so important.
On to high school and another great teacher who I dearly loved and still think the world of today.  Even though he tried very hard to pour the information into my head it just seem to run off or flow through from in one ear and out the other.  He even tried beating it into with the “board of education”.  Of course I had a limited attention span that pretty much didn’t go past the girl with the big boobs that sat near me.  She was a hell of a lot more intresting than the teacher.  Probably the best think he did was let us choose the books we wanted to do book reports on that year.  I picked “Munity on the Bounty” and was totally hooked on sailing for the rest of my life.  The romance of the see, tropical islands, large ships under sail and RUM!
One of the true benefits of going to engineering school was you didn’t have to take as much math as the other students and no foreign language was required.  Well that was only true if you did good on placement test.  Well I didn’t do good on any of the placement test.  So I had to take remedial engish.  I don’t  think the U of A does that anymore.  If you can pass the placement test they just tell you to go somewhere else.  So I was doomed to take an extra course in English.  So instead of two 3 hour courses and one 5 hour course.  I was up to three, 3 hour courses.  Well at least I didn’t have to take a foreign language.  Although it could be argued that English was a true foreign language for a boy from Sycamore. 
Actually English wasn’t the only remedial class I had to take, I had about 12 hours of remedial work before I could officially start in my classes.  The classes include a couple of math classes and physics.  Maybe Winterboro wasn’t the best college prep high school in the nation.  Out of a class of fifty only about eight of us went on to college and I know of only one other person to graduate from college out of that class. 
If I struggled in high school, I was totally lost in college.  Actually I even struggled in math classes.  This was a totally new experience for me.  No one to tell me when to go to bed, tell me when to get up or tell me I need to take a bath.  Did you know our dorm had a pool hall in it!  That was just too cool.  They also had all the donuts you could eat every Sunday morning if you got up before noon. 
I am going to shorten this story a little but at the end my first sesmester in college which was summer school I had a rip roaring 0.8 GPA.  “F” in English, two “D’s in Math and the only “C” was in a drafting class.  Two semesters of that and you were off Viet Nam.  Well the fall semester rolled around and incase you haven’t heard the University of Alabama has a football team.  Football season at the University is a special time.  You are supposed to be able to go to football games and have plenty of time left over to go to classes.  Well at the end of that semester I had things completely under control, knew how to do this college thing.  At least I was consistence with another 0.8.  If I hadn’t started in Summer school I would have been out on the street and in the line at the draft center.   
I had to get my act together!  So in the spring I didn’t take English which guarnetted I wouldn’t make at least one “F”.  I had to learn how to study, change my life style and get new friends.  It worked!  Spring semester saw a 2.5 out of 3.0 GPA and I was off probation and the draft board was just a distant memory for at least a few years.  (By the way, none of those friends lasted thru to the next fall.)
Well I finally got my life together, took english over and over until I got my “D” and was so damn proud of that grade.  I actually was finally able to make a “C” in my last English class.  In the end thanks to W2 Wilson I was able to make it in to graduate school.  (That is another story for another time.)
Graduate school was a dream except for one thing, I had to write a thesis.  It wasn’t easy and took two years to get it approved.  They kept finding misspelled words and I would have to do it over.
I am so thankful that we have word processors and spelling checkers.  Word processors, very good administrative assistance, and a wonderful wife has let me survive in this world.  I have been able to have several technical papers published and have author parts of many documents that are in print today. 
I have purposely not run a spelling check on this document although many of the words were auto corrected.  I didn’t get Carole to edit this for me so you could get a snapshot of the true me.
I don’t know if there is a moral to this story.  If there is, it would probably be keep trying until technology catches up, have some good help and a wonderful spouse along the way.