The fog was so thick this morning our friend Gene couldn’t
find the bow of his boat. We got wet
just walking down the street to the show.
An umbrella did no good.
The boat show is more than just boats there was a lot of
really nice furniture, art, jewelry and other stuff to spend money one. The selection of boats was pretty limited
when you compare it to St Pete, Miami or Annapolis. Sabre Yachts had a big presence. It is nice to check out a million dollar
yacht but I don’t see one in my immediate future. It even had power windows! Thos. Moser wasn’t at the show. That was somewhat of a disappointment. There were a lot of furniture makers I had
not heard of before who had some really beautiful stuff. Carole says they have plenty of time to work
on their craft up here because the days are so short and the winters so
cold. There is no laying out by the pool
to work on your tan. I think part of it
is they can be more productive in the summer with the cool temperatures and
longer days. It is just damn hard to
work when it is 98 degrees in the shade.

The photo on the right is the B&B we are staying in. Nice room and a great breakfast this morning.
Tomorrow it is on to Brooklin, the wood boat building
capital of the world.
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